πŸ› οΈ VitNode is still in development! You can try it out, but it is not recommended to use it now in production.

Developer Mode

This guide will help you to install the project on your local machine.


This tutorial is for development purposes only. Do not use these credentials in production.

πŸ“ Prerequisites

Before you begin, please read the Contribution page and prepere your environment.

πŸš€ Installation

Get files

git clone https://github.com/aXenDeveloper/vitnode.git
cd vitnode

Install dependencies

pnpm i

Prepere docker containers

pnpm docker:dev

Environment variables for Backend

Go to backend folder and create new .env file:


Database and Redis variables are already set in docker-compose-dev.yml file and inside backend config as default values.

Generate database schema

Before you move on, make sure you have a database in Docker and you're in the backend folder.

pnpm db

Generate config

Go to previus folder

cd ..

and generate config file

pnpm config:init

Run backend

pnpm backend:dev

Run frontend

pnpm frontend:dev

Frontend should be running on port 3000. If you want to change it go to .env file and fill FRONTEND_URL variable (For example FRONTEND_URL=FRONTEND_URL=http://localhost).

πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» PGAdmin

You can use PGAdmin to manage your database. VitNode has this image in Docker Compose. To use it, you need to go to http://localhost:5050 and login with credentials:

  • Email: admin@admin.com
  • Password: admin

Check database IP

docker ps
docker inspect <container_id_with_postgres>

Now you need to find IPAddress in Networks section. It should be something like this:

"IPAddress": "",

Add server

Click on Add New Server button and fill the values:

  • Name: VitNode
  • Host name/address: (your IP to database from previous step)
  • Port: 5432
  • Username: root
  • Password: root